Parents are expected to co-operate with the school Authorities and the Teacher by enforcing regularity, punctuality, discipline and sending them to school in the neat and clean uniform.
Parents should check the daily of their children for occasional remakes and duty signs it whenever it is demanded. • They are forbidden to give gifts and parents to the teacher and non-teaching staff.
Parents are requested not to give money to their children unless they receive a written notice from the school. • Parents should send a leave note of absence and long leave from the school.
Parents should not allow their children to bring any kind of destructors such as cell phones, walkman, electronic games etc. to the school.
Parents are requested to ensure that their children do their home work regularly, learn their lessons and keep up to the mark in their studies.
Parents should also keep a watch on the physical and mental health of their children. Special attention should be paid to the eye sight, hearing speech, and body co-ordination. Any difficulty or abnormality if noticed should be promptly shown to a competent doctor.